
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


This release includes bug fixes as well as the foundation for a Spotify Integration. We're still waiting on approval from Spotify before we can roll out this integration to all users. If you're interested in beta-testing the Spotify Integration, please send us an email at
In v1.1.47 we added the ability to mute the toast notifications from the notification itself. Just click on the volume icon to toggle sound on and off for notifications.
In v1.1.46 we released a bunch of improvements and bug fixes including:
  • Bug fix around dashboard being hidden on app dismiss incorrectly.
  • Added setting to prevent auto-hide of desktop widget when hovering. You can find this setting in
    Widget > Auto-hide on Mouse Hover
  • Bug fix around a black screen show occasionally when dismissing the toast notification (primarily on Windows).
  • Bug fix around Outlook Calendar disconnecting randomly.
  • Bug fix around creating Meetings from Outlook Calendar events with tentative response status,
  • Added ability to end Focus Session from Distraction Blocker even with Urge Surfing setting enabled.
  • Changed app update logic to show a dialog when an update is ready rather than silently updating in the background.
  • Updated Distraction Blocker logic to not show until the Distraction Blocking Threshold is first met.
We're really excited to announce the launch of our new A.I. Productivity Coach. The A.I. coach provides nudges throughout the day on when to
In the Insights tab, the Rize Coach will analyze your data, pull out custom insights, and provide personalized recommendation based on your activity. You can learn more in the video below.
You can edit your Coach settings in
Settings > Coach
. Thanks so much for using Rize!
  • Bug fixes and infrastructure improvements for future features
We fixed a bug where "Start Focus" from the Toast notification was failing occasionally.
We just released v1.1.39 which includes several improvements to the Distraction Blocker. The UI of the Distraction Blocker has been simplified to contain two primary options: "Thanks for the reminder!" and "This is not a distraction."
Clicking "Thanks for the reminder!"
When you click "Thanks for the reminder!", the distraction blocker is dismissed and won't reappear until the threshold setting time is hit (you can update that value in
Settings > Distraction Blocker > Distraction Blocking Threshold
). This option should be clicked when Rize accurately detects you're looking at a distraction.
Clicking "This is not a distraction."
Occasionally, we need to use apps or websites that are
a distraction but in select cases are not. A few examples of this could be watching a tutorial on YouTube, using Twitter for customer support, or using LinkedIn to search for candidates to hire. This is when the new option "This is not a distraction." should be clicked.
When you select "This is not a distraction.", Rize will mark the category of that app or website as a non-distracting category for the rest of the Focus session (and that focus session only). That means that category will not trigger the Distraction Blocker again for that Focus Session.
Additionally, the category will be counted as a Focus category for that Focus Session's stats. It won't count against your Focus Score, and apps and websites from that category will not be listed in Top Interruptors. Again, that will only apply to that specific Focus Session.
We hope this improves your Focus Score accuracy and your overall experience of using Rize.
You can hover over the question mark to see why the Distraction Blocker was triggered.
There are secondary options listed at the bottom of the Distraction Blocker including:
  • Ending the current session
  • Disable the blocker entirely for the rest of the session
  • Update the blocker settings
We just released the ability to export your Projects, Sessions, and Events. Just head to
Settings > General > Data Export
, select what you'd like to export, and then select the time range. You'll receive an email with a CSV export of your data.
We just added some navigation improvements to the Home tab. You can now easily navigate between the Calendar and Timeline Views. Additionally, you can view your Weekly and Monthly stats from the Home tab.
We just added a new privacy feature for users who are particularly concerned about their data. If you head to
Settings > Privacy > Redact Tracked Data
, you can now enable a setting that will remove app name, URL, and title from all previous tracked data.
Once this data is removed, it cannot be added back.
Rize will replace redacted events with "Redacted" but keep all your categories, focus metrics, and work metrics.
You can set the setting to run weekly, biweekly, or monthly. If you run the job weekly, each weekend Rize will redact all data from your previous weeks. Again, redacting data is irreversible. You cannot change the category of redacted data.
You can also select the option to redact all your tracked data immediately up to the current time. This action may take up to an hour to reflect in your Home timeline. This action is also irreversible.
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