We just added a new privacy feature for users who are particularly concerned about their data. If you head to
Settings > Privacy > Redact Tracked Data
, you can now enable a setting that will remove app name, URL, and title from all previous tracked data.
Once this data is removed, it cannot be added back.
Rize will replace redacted events with "Redacted" but keep all your categories, focus metrics, and work metrics.
You can set the setting to run weekly, biweekly, or monthly. If you run the job weekly, each weekend Rize will redact all data from your previous weeks. Again, redacting data is irreversible. You cannot change the category of redacted data.
You can also select the option to redact all your tracked data immediately up to the current time. This action may take up to an hour to reflect in your Home timeline. This action is also irreversible.